
How Much CBD Is Right for Me?

Whether you’re a first time CBD user or have tons of experience with the cannabinoid, understanding how to properly dose CBD can be pretty confusing. While there is all sorts of information about what CBD is and all of the benefits that it offers, there’s not a lot out there about properly dosing CBD.

With no recommended daily intake from the FDA and a lack of information when it comes to determining the best CBD dose, users have had to wing it, to say the least. Some are basing their dose off of what their friends suggest, while others are basing their decision based on recommendations from CBD manufacturers.

So whether you’re taking a dropper of CBD oil a day, four gummies a day, or some other dose, it’s impossible to say if it’s the right dose for you or not. 

If you’re ready to figure out how much CBD is right for you, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to learn the ins and outs of properly dosing CBD.

The Factors That Influence CBD Dosage

A dosage that works for someone you know may not work for you. So, it’s important to take the time to figure out the amount you need so that you can get the best experience possible while minimizing the risk of side effects.

There are all sorts of factors that play a role in determining what the right amount of CBD is for a specific person, including:

  • Body chemistry
  • Body weight
  • Type/severity of condition being treated

Another important factor to consider is the concentration of CBD. For instance, CBD oils often have higher concentrations than edible options.

Not only are there different factors that impact your ideal dosage, your optimal dose won’t stay the same. Physiological changes, along with endocannabinoid system receptors, all impact how your body responds to CBD. This means that a dosage that works for you now, may not work for you five years from now.

Because there’s no universal CBD dosage, it all comes down to trial and error. However, there are some factors you can use to get a good starting point for how much CBD you should take.

We recommend starting with a well-known brand, such as Garden of Life Dr. Formulated. To learn about other top CBD manufacturers, check out CBDGrade. This site offers reviews and detailed information about dozens of different CBD brands. As a one-stop-shop for everything CBD, this site makes narrowing down your search a lot easier.

Use Your Body Weight

As with any substance or medication, your body weight plays a role in how much you need to feel the effects. Someone with a higher body mass will require a higher dosage than someone who is smaller. As a rule of thumb, you’ll want to take 1-6mg of CBD for every 10 pounds of body weight.

So, if you weigh 150lbs, your ideal dose will range from 15mg-25mg. On the other hand, someone who weighs 250lbs will want to take anywhere from 25mg-41mg.

Start With a Low Dose

With such a large dosage range, you may be tempted to start at the higher end so that you can feel results quicker. Once you’ve determined an initial dosage based on your body weight, you’ll want to start at the lower end of the range. This is especially important if you’ve never taken CBD before or if it’s been awhile since you’ve taken it.

Starting with the lowest dosage, you’ll want to gradually increase the amount you take over the course of a few weeks. Keep track of how your body reacts as you increase the dosage. When you reach your sweet spot, you’ll know it.

Though dosing low and slow will take some time, it’s the safest way to find your ideal dose.

Choose Easy to Dose Options

Depending on the type of CBD product you use, dosing may be straight-forward, or it could be anything but.

For example, if you take CBD gummies that contain 10mg of CBD each, it’s easy to know how much you’re consuming each time you take it. But let’s say you’re using a CBD vaporizer, or a topical product. How much CBD is in a single puff, let alone a squirt of lotion?

Your best bet is to use a product that has straight-forward dosing. Edibles, capsules, and oils are all pretty basic to understand dosage wise. Other options are much harder and require some guess-timating.

Ensuring an Accurate Dose

Knowing your dose range is the first step in taking the right amount of CBD that you need to get the relief you want. In order to get an accurate dose, you’ll need to know the product’s CBD concentration.

The best place to start is by reading the label. Most products say exactly how much CBD a serving contains. Maybe a 1mL dropper contains 30mL of oil, or maybe a single CBD gummy contains 5mg.

And while you may be content with this information alone, you’ll want to dig a little deeper. CBD manufacturers can put any number on the label. What really matters is what the certificate of analysis (COA) says. This document indicates that a product has been tested in a third party lab. A COA also gives in-depth information about how much CBD and THC a product contains, as well as the existence and potency of other ingredients.

If a product doesn’t have a COA, or if the CBD concentration seems off, move on to another brand. Taking the time to research the product you’re interested in buying is a must. You don’t want to buy something that advertises an incorrect dosage. This not only makes it hard to figure out what your ideal dose is, it can be dangerous.

By taking the time to identify your ideal dose range, while also researching brands and products, you’re more likely to get just the experience that you want from CBD.

Was it difficult to pinpoint your ideal CBD dose? What factors did you consider in figuring out how much CBD you need to take?


Valentine Belue

Update: 2024-06-03